Wednesday, December 29, 2010

sometimes I feel crazy.

All I've been doing today is cleaning.
I am so sick of cleaning.
So I am going to blog because I have been a terribly crappy blogger as of late.

This week has been a really good one, as far as weeks go.
Brianna and I went to Branson on Monday and Tuesday, and that was super fun. It was nice to get away, and just breathe, and let go of the stresses at home.
Tyler and I hung out last night, and watched Gentleman Broncos, which has to be one of the weirdest, yet best movies that I have ever seen.

Tyler gave me a promise ring for christmas, and I know that everyone thinks its crazy. And in a way, it kinda is.
I was one of those girls who always thought that I would end up a crazy cat lady. I didn't believe in love, and I didn't understand how anyone in their right mind could love someone like me. I hated seeing everyone so happy with their boyfriends, their cute couple pictures on facebook, and all their inside jokes. I hated hated hated it. I hated whenever my friends had boyfriends, and they would blab on about dates, and anniversarys, and about how wonderful their boyfriend was.I drove me crazy and I thought it was rediculously annoying.
I am afraid that I have become one of those people.
The ones that everyone pretends to like, but behind their backs talks about how annoying they are and how they wish they would just shut up about their boyfriend.
I know that I talk about Tyler a lot. It's not something that I do intentionally, it just happens. Not because I'm trying to rub it in, but because he's the one that I spend most of my time with, and therefore I have the most stories and stuff about things that have happened with him.
I really really really don't want to annoy anyone.

And here I sit, with a promise ring on my finger. Like I said, I KNOW everyone thinks it's crazy.
We are both so young, we've only been together for nine months now, how in the world can we know that we want to be together forever?
That's a question that I can't really answer, but I will try my best.
All my life, I thought that love was this big scary thing that left you vulnerable, and hurt in the end. Boy meets girl, girls falls in love, boy doesn't, girls is obsessed, boy finds someone else. I thought that you had to at least be in college to have the feeling that someone was "the one". I've never been proved more wrong in my life.
I met Tyler for the first time on Valentines day. He visited my church, and we ended up sitting by each other, and sharing a bible. He was sweet, funny, and he could SING. holy moley, he can sing. I went home that night, and I prayed really hard about Tyler. I know it sounds crazy, but from the very moment that I met him, I just knew that he was going to have a very important role in my life. We started texting constantly, and haning out on the weekends. I felt so comfortable around him. I could be my true self, and not feel stupid and dumb because I like weird things, and ramble on forever, and change topics like twenty different times in one conversation.
I found that every time we were together, I found out something new about him. He told me things about him that no one else knew, and I told him everything.
Before I knew what was happening, I knew that the butterflies I got when I saw him, were more than just butterflies. I knew that I was in love, and it wasn'tnscary at all.  Instead, it was exciting, and secure.
Like I said, I know we're young, but we really do know what love is. I promise it's not as crazy as you all think.

I'm sorry if I annoy you.
Please no that is is not in my intentions at all.

On another note, I miss my old friends.
I miss Brooke, and Melissa, and Tyler.
I miss the fun that we all used to have together, and I hate thinking that my stubborness is one thing that has pulled us apart. I really hope that we can all hang out over break sometimg :)

1 comment:

  1. Nah it's just cause everytime we ask you to hang out you already have something planned. But we ask you like the night of so not a big deal. It's hard to plan time.
