Sunday, September 26, 2010

interupting sloth, a fine frenzy, and cold

yesterday was a great day!
I had to work from 8:30-2:30 which I though was going to be a complete pain in the butt. However, I was working with my old friend Corey, so it turned out to be a very pleasant six hours of looking up funny youtube videos, facebooking, recapping Jonas L.A. and becoming a spider sollitaire master.
then I came home and made myself some ramen noodles. I LOVE ramen. It's not just the whole "oh boo hoo I'm in college and poor so I'm going to sob over these nasty noodles" thing obviously, because I live with my parents. It's because I LOVE them. notice the all caps. That means it's serious business.
After I got done eating those delightful things, Tyler came over and hung out and it was a fun time, as it always is whenever I am with him! hurray.
so I told him this joke that goes like this...
"knock knock"
"whos there"
"interupting sloth who?"
(at this point, I just pointed my finger at him and moved it very slowly because sloths a very slow and I don't even think that they make noise. however Tyler insists that they make a waaaaaaaaaaaaaa sound. or something, I do not know!)
anyways, so apparently Tyler finds this joke absolutely hillarious because every time I would do it, he literally collapsed into a fit of giggles. It is so adorable.

I like pictures that make me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)
now it's sunday, and this morning I went to church like normal, which is always good to do :)
then I came home, and I've done some homework and now I'm listening to my Fine Frenzy playlist on pandora and trying to make a collage, though obviously I got distracted ;)

OH! so I was looking for some cute pictures on We Heart It this afternoon, and I got a dreadful pop up. So I know that I'm probably waaaaayyyy behind on this, and it is old news to everyone but myself, but apparently Miley Cyrus gave a lap dance to the FORTY FOUR year old producer of the last song at the wrap party! this made me quite sad, because secretly, I like Miley Cyrus, as forementioned in a recent post. So naturally I youtubed her, and I watched a video that she had posted from her channel where she said all these stupid rumors weren't true, and she looked so unskanky, that I couldn't believe that I had really just seen a video of her giving this old guy a lap dance.
ugh. I am torn

See?? She goes from completely adorable to trashy.
ugh I miss the good ole days of hannah montana.
Its starting to get cold outside! This makes me happy :)

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