Thursday, May 12, 2011

here it is...

 dum dum duuuuuummmm...

otherwise known as the scourge of my existence.
Usually, it wouldn't be so bad, but whenever you work in a testing center finals week is a gazillion times worse than it is for a normal people. Try stressing out about all your finals plus working a 40 hour week, and trying to help people that seem to have all left their brains at home.
It's not exactly the best time ever.
I really need to stop complaining, I should be thankful to have a job (no matter how annoying) in this terrible economy, and even more thankful to get the extra hours.
blah blah blah ;)

hehe, I found this floating around my Tumblr dash and I thought it was an excellent illustration of my feelings on life today. Except for I think that being a real live owl would kinda suck. You have to eat bugs. Ew. Plus real live owls scare me. I love cutesy cartoon owls, and owl illustrations (like the one above), but real ones just freak me out. Don't ask why. I think it might be the whole 360 head turn thing. They just really give me the chill willies.

We got our final paper assignment in English yesterday, and I couldn't be more pleased with the topic. "Pick your favorite song, analyze it, and explain why you like it." LOVE. The only thing that is hard it picking my "favorite song." I honestly don't think that I have a particular song that is my favorite. However, I do have a favorite band. Which is Showbread. Obvi. I chose their song "I Think I'm Going to See You" off of their album The Fear of God. I LOVE this album. It is incredible.Amazing.Fantastic. You get the point. LISTEN TO IT! Below is a video of the song, so you can listen to it and fall head over heels in love with Showbread just as I have.

I have my oral spanish final today. I think I am going to pee my pants.

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