if you live in Springfield you should totes come! It starts at 6 :)
eeeeeeep! I am so stinkin excited! If you don't listen to their music, then you should! My two favorite C.D.'s are No Sir, Nihilism is Not Practical, and Age of Reptiles. Every single song on those albums is fantastic.
For the most part, I've gotten out of my "oh I'm so hardcore, all I listen to is screamo, wear band tees" phase, but Showbread is still my one true love(musically speaking).
here are some of my favorite songs of theirs, to give you a taste of the wonderfullness that is Showbread.
This is Oh! Emetophobia!
Its a love song that Josh wrote for his wife Abi. It's easily my favorite song of forever.
Mouth Like a Magazine
Dead by Dawn
These three are my all time favorite Showbread songs. I hope you like them! and if you don't, then I only have one thing to say to you...
Did you just say totes....?