Thursday, February 10, 2011

goals for 2011.

this picture doesn't have anything to do with anything, other than the fact that I really do want to do this with Tyler.

I hate goals.
However, I find that without goals I have hardly any ambition to do anything at all. That being said, I'm going to post my simple goals for 2011.

1. Become a Stronger Christian.
    I know this one sounds overused and cliched and all that stuff. But it really is something that I need to do. Its hard for me to pray and read my bible, and fully trust in something I can't see. So this year I'm going to work on that a lot.

2. Spend less time on the internet.
     I am a self diagnosed internet addict. I spend way to much time on here.

3. Work out more. (Once the weather become nice.)
    This is for health reasons. I need to treat my body better.

4. Cut out soda.
    Oh golly this one is gonna be tough. I love soda lots, but I know it's not good for me.

5. Work harder on my school work.
     If Tyler and I want to live at Evangel, I need to work on my GPA in order to get scholarships that could help pay for our apartment. eeee :)

6. Plan the most freakin' awesome wedding that anyone has EVER seen.
    This will be the fun part! :) So excited.

Now I'm going to read my economics textbook, cause that class is kickin my butt.

1 comment:

  1. the book of economics!!!! HEHE :D

    These are GREAT GREAT GREAT goals!! I will totally be there to help you! And trust me, the no soda thing gets easier!! And i totally want to work out too!!!

    I can't wait for the wedding part!! <3
    Oh and I didn't know you guys were going to live at evangel?!?!?!! how exciting!! I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever!! lol ;) see you saturday night!!!
