Thursday, February 17, 2011

a moment of silence please...

I come to you today delivering news of great sorrow and tribulation.
As we all know, the Borders Express in the mall shut down around christmas time. This was quite tragic for me, because even though I had to trek out to the south side to get there, it was small and non-overwhelming and had the best bargain book rack.
I survived however, due to the fact that there was a big Borders store just down the street and even though it was huge and slightly over-whelming, it had a nice calm atmosphere and I like the interior and smell better than Barnes&Noble.
However, after watching the news last night, I hear the abosolute tragic announcement the Borders has declared bankruptcy and is shutting its doors. After howling for hours, and running around the neighborhood in alluminum foil, I have come to a grand conclusion.
I, Karasyn Lindsey, am going to buy an eReader. Just saying that, makes me shiver and feel slightly guilty.
With my purchase of my own personal handheld electronic heaven *ahem* library *ahem* would I be contributing to the possible depletion of books from our society?
I tried to make a list of Pros and Cons, as I usually would do in this sort of conflicting situation, but the pros outweighed the cons to heavily that writing it was almost a waste of time.
The eReader that I have in mind, is the Barnes&Noble Nook, though I can't decide if I want the basic Nook, or the Nook Color.

I think, in the end I will just go with the basic Nook. It's around $100 cheaper and the only huge difference is that the whole screen isn't in color, just the menu bar. other news, I've had a very strange craving lately for cold grilled chicken, cheese cubes, and pepperidge farm party crackers. And this morning I went to the cafeteria wanting nothing more than a cappucino, but once I got there the only thing that sounded good was Sunny D. So thats what I'm drinking now...aren't you glad that you know that??? hahaha just kidding :)

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