Tuesday, April 5, 2011

tumblr OBSESSED.

I never thought that I would get sucked into Tumblr. It didn't seem too exciting, I mean all you do is reblog photos. But somehow, it has sucked out my very soul, and now I be Tumblin' all day long. (not really ALL day, just when I'm at work...which is most of the day. pfff, I'm so lame.)
here are some of my favorite pictures that I have found today!

so true <3

ummmmm, can you say HOLY CUTE?! If Tyler wouldn't kill me, this would be our car for the rest of forever.

I love it when people wrap fabric around their heads. For some reason, I can not pull off this look at all. I think it's the shape of my face or something...I'm not sure. But it's sad none the less.

These muffins. I could eat them all the day long, if it wasn't for the fact that I would gain around 5000 pounds.

Someday, I think I will gather up my guts a get a tattoo. Preferably a matching one with someone, because I think that would be cooler!

Emma Watson. She is just too adorable. I have never seen a bad picture of her...EVER. So jealous.

This wedding looks like it was probably perfect. Speaking of which, I am like years behind on Wedding Wednesdays. Oh well. Ya'll haven't started a riot or anything, so I assume that there are no hard feelings!

This is magnificent. The End.

Today is going slower than slow. It is also an awkward day.
Here is why today is awkward:
1. My hair is completely up. As in bangs pulled back and a messy bun kind of up. It feels so weird, because I never do this. But my bangs looked like death this morning, so thats my crappy excuse.
2. I hate what I'm wearing. Plus my pants keep falling off my non-existent butt. My butt is completely non-proportional to my body. It's rediculous.
3. Work is SO stinkin slow. But I guess I should be thankful for that.
4. I have two papers due next friday, that I know I should get started on, but I haven't.
5. One of the said papers is a stupid Literary Analysis. This probably wouldn't be so bad if I actually understood the story. I don't...at all. So it's frustrating.
6. My tummy is rumbling and my mouth is dry. I hate that feeling.

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