Monday, September 27, 2010

getting lost,love,and yumminess.

so last night after church, the college group went to Orange Leaf.
sidenote: orange leaf has the BEST froyo in the world! Cake Batter, Strawberry, and Coffee Lover, are to die for. but not mixed. that=ew!
I had never driven to Orange Leaf before so I was quite clueless on how to get there, so I asked directions from a friend. I assured her multiple times that I knew what I was doing and that I would get myself and Tyler there safe and sound.
I suck at directions apparently.
because Tyler and myself found ourselves on the way to Branson.

Here is the story...
So we were supposed to take Glenstone to Republic Road. However instead of winding up on Republic Road, we ended up on the ramp shooting us out on to I-60!
I HATE HATE HATE highways. So I start freaking out and I couldn't breathe, so Tyler told me to pull over and he would drive. He is so kind. Seriously. I love him.
ANYWAYS. so it's super dark out and neither one of us know where in the heck we are,becaus e we are on like the waaaaaayyyyyy south side now, and I am a northsider, and he is a Willard person, so there ya go.
Somehow we end up on highway 65 taking us to Branson. About this time I am sobbing and hicupping uncontrollably and wailing about how I am the most terrible girlfriend in the entire world and Tyler is cool as a cucumber and has me call his mom, who I sob and wail to as well, and she directed us back and we ended up at Orange Leaf safe and sound.
good story right?
last night I hated this whole event, but I'm already laughing about it, and it will be a good story to tell the kiddos one day :)
After all of this happening, I loved Tyler even more than I already did which is a whole stinkin lot! It's so amazing how perfectly matched we are for each other.
I never thought that I would meet a guy that would willingly put up with my outrageous dramatics, extreme emotions, and complete craziness.
But Tyler does. and he does it because he loves me.
knowing that he loves me is the best feeling in the whole entire world. This time last year, I didn't even believe in love really. I thought that guys were all jerks, and that no one could ever love me for who I am.
It's so funny how God proved me so wrong. I should be used to that though, he does every time :)

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