Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hey Everyone! I have MOVED!
you can find my new blog here:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

on the agenda for today:

What I'm going for is a gros in between these two pictures...
I want these bangs,

and this length.

My hair is like WAY long right now, and so are my bangs.
Exhibit A:

see? Not cute. I haven't gotten it cut in almost a year. I know, I know thats gross, and yes, I have major split ends. I'm just scared about getting my hair cut, due to a horrific hair cut that I got the summer of my sophomore year of high school. However, my friend Breigh is a student at The System, and she iscutting my hair today. Her hair is always super cute, so I think that my head is in good hands here :)

2: I have GOT to finish organizing my new room!
everything is coming together, and I am so excited to post pics of what the finished product looks like!

3: Tyler might come over.
this is my favorite thing about today. For obvious reasons. I mean look at the guy...
yeah, I know. I lucked out somehow. He is way hot, and I am way...something. But hopefully I am hot too after todays haircut.

On the agenda for tomorrow:
Work. Blah.  I mean, yay! haha :)

and THEN, me and my bestest ever friend Brianna are going to McDonalds to get yummy fifty cent cones, and start our Harry Potter movie marathon!
I have read all the books and loved them,but I have never seen the movies. I know, I am a horrible fan. oh well.

Have a lovely day!


Friday, July 15, 2011

the giggles just never stop.

I work at a place where I sit at a computer and occasionally help out some very rediculous, stupid, and trashy unique and interesting individuals. (a.k.a the otc testing center. come visit me and take a test!...or not) Anyways, so since I sit at a computer, I am always facebooking, tumblring, or playing bubble shooter. ( best.game.ever.). Recently, I found this glorious website titled Hello Giggles. I love it so much. It is a hoot.

On another note, clear bra straps are tacky.

Friday, July 8, 2011

fashion ruts & fifteen months.

I have been in such a fashion rut lately. I just throw on shorts and a t-shirt like everyday and look like a total bum. When I look in my closet, I don't get any inspiration at all. Plus, this has been a "fat week" and I feel as if everything that I wear makes me look like a sausage. I think that whenever I get home I am going to have a closet clean out. I love closet clean outs. They are so refreshing, plus they give me an excuse to go buy cute clothes! ;)
Here are some pictures that I found on weheartit and tumblr that I thought were pretty.
 (I'm terrible at sourcing, sorry. But I pinky promise that I didn't take these photos. If I had taken them, all you would see is a big blur)

I will forever love the olsen twins. I still have my "two of a kind" and "the adventures of mary-kate and ashley" book series. I also have their autobiography that they wrote when they were like thirteen. It's funny to read! And I L.O.V.E their recent book Influence, it is absolute beautiful. Their fashion is a fantastic combination of timeless and edgy. They are just walking inspiration and I will always love them...and Passport to Paris.

Normally, I don't like Camels. I think that they are awkward looking, and gross because they spit so much. I also learned on the last season of ANTM when the girls went to Morocco, that camels have a temper and can be mean. However, if you drape a Camel in ombre yarn, and pom-poms then I absolutely love it!

This dress. That bag. swwoooonn. The beading on that dress is wonderful, and makes me think of the super cute beaded clutches that my grandma has from "back in the day." And by "back in the day" I mean the early 1940's. Now that is vintage people.

This collection is amazing. Love it.

Hair! I love looking at pictures of hair. I wish my hair was thicker and would do cool things like this. But my hair is lame and flat.

Emma. Watson.  She is beautiful, and her style is impeccable. Plus she is classy, and not trashy like so many other teens that were raised through a huge acting career.

I want this for my someday future home with Tyler.
Speaking of him, yesterday was our 15 month (I year 3 month). monthiversary? Anniversary? Monthaniversary?
Anyways, it was good. We hung out and watched Donnie Darko, Adventure Time (LOVE THAT SHOW, which is weird because I normally hate cartoons) and The Regular Show.
We are so romantic. haha, but seriously, I love that guy so much.

Friday, July 1, 2011

thrifting day.

yesterday, I went with my best friend Brianna, and my boyfriends sister (also my friend) to go thrifting! 
I would post pictures of my wonderful bounty of other peoples old junk that I bought, but my camera is completely broken. This is a very good thing because that camera was so old, but thankfully it's still under warranty at Best Buy, so I'm gonna run out there today to exchange it for the new and improved version! So it's basically like getting a free camera. Yay me! 

My bedroom makeover is going along swimmingly, and yesterday my duvet cover arrived via UPS. It is even more perfect in person, and I am so glad that I splurged. No buyers remorse for this girl!

I bought several embroidery hoops yesterday, so when I get some free time I am going to make this:

cute, no?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

less than three.

I am a girl on a budget. This being said, I don't spend too much on my clothes, except for the basic investment peices that are worth laying out the cash for. But that doesn't mean that I can't look at pretty clothes online!
Here are three things from my two favorie online stores ModCloth and Ruche that I <3! (less than three...get it? I'm so clever)

 the above 3 are from ModCloth
the below 3 are from Ruche

mmmmmm dresses, they are easily one of my favorite parts of summer :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I've blogged about this before, and I will blog about it again. I think that the amount of pressure that us girls (and guys? maybe?) have put on us to be perfect is completely ridiculous.. We need to have flawless skin that never breaks out, skinny little bodies and big boobs (mostly made by plastic surgery), be tan, and always act perfect. This is impossible, and it's also sick. I have a huge problem when it comes to my self-image, and self-esteem. As much as I can try to love myself, and embrace my imperfections, the expectations of this world are always knocking me down.
 We all need to know that the people that we see on the cover of magazines are not real. They are mostly airbrushed and plastic. We are made just like we are for a reason, and that reason is simply this: God wants us this way. Saying that we hate anything about ourselves is basically telling God that he made a mistake. You are made how you are, because one day you will be able to touch somebodies life because you are you.
I wish that we all (myself included) could realize just how special we are, and the being different isn't a bad thing.

Monday, June 27, 2011

big spender.

I am a girl born and bred in Springfield Missouri. I have never lived anywhere else.
This being said, my wardrobe comes from places like Forever 21, Pac Sun, Target, and of course Thrift Stores. I have never been to an actual Urban Outfitters, or Anthropologie store. I browse their websites daily, and have recieved their catalogs for years, but being a slightly small town girl, I just can not justify some of the prices of things on their websites.
HOWEVER, I caved and let the materialist in me take over my brain, and my debit card.
This is what I bought...
this "coloring book" duvet cover. I'm redecorating my room this summer (thank heavens!) and I wanted a more subtle color scheme with pops of color, and I think that this is just pefect.

In order to get free shipping, I had to spend just I little bit more, so I splurged and bought these.

So there you have it, my very first Urban Outfitters purchases. Aren't you proud?

Also, the other day I was looking up random stuff on ebay, and I found this bag that I am absolutely in love with:

ummmmmm holy cute?
is is worth $88 though? that is my big problem.

Friday, June 17, 2011


This is the cookbook of my life. Seriously. If my life was to be condensed into cookbook form, this would be the finished product.
Unfortunately, if I want to keep my body lookin good in a swim suit, I can not eat this stuff. So it's turkey bacon for me, which is just not quite as good. It's like a chanel knock-off. It looks pretty, but it's just not as awesome, and you know that it's just imitation so you don't get that good feeling of knowing that you have the real thing.
Did I just compare Chanel to Turkey Bacon?
Yes...yes I did. Classy, I know.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

hello again.

It's true: I am the worlds worst blogger. Do I care? Nah. Do you? Probably not.
annnnnyways, I haven't blogged in like a super long time. Probably because I have nothing to share with the world, and also because so far this has been the summer of suck. But oh well, things can only get better from here!...right?
I can't promise any consistent blogging, because like a mentioned above, I really don't have anything to write about. However, I get a great kick out of documenting things and posting them on the internet in hopes that someone might read them. Weird, I know.
I've tried to do some brainstorming about a "theme" for this blog, and I can't think of anything. I could never ever be a fashion blogger, because (1.) I am a repeat outfit offender, (2.) I don't have enough cute clothes, (3.) My camera is crap, I can't take a decent picture to save my life and neither can my boyfriend, (4.) because it's summer. In the summer I live in distressed jean shorts, and layering tees. There is nothing that cute or inspiring about that!
Really, I just suck at putting outfits together, and I only wear dresses to church. I am hopeless. 

Well, there you have it. My epiphany of the day. Have a great one. KayBye.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ups and downs.

I have been dealing with a complete rollercoaster of emotions lately.  I feel sad all the time for really no reason, and it has just really bogged down my last couple of weeks.
After I posted my last blog, I almost deleted it because it seemed so lame. But then I thought that in life, you can't delete your emotions. You can't delete how you felt at a certain time.
I think a lot of the contributing factors to my mood swings were the stress of finals week, plus working a 40+ hour week on top of that. 
Finals week just isn't really my cup of tea I guess.

Welp, I have a huge headache, and I need to get back to these helpless testers.

Hasta Luego,
I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm your second choice, your last priority.
You just don't care anymore.

All good things come to an end.
Story of my life.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

here it is...

 dum dum duuuuuummmm...

otherwise known as the scourge of my existence.
Usually, it wouldn't be so bad, but whenever you work in a testing center finals week is a gazillion times worse than it is for a normal people. Try stressing out about all your finals plus working a 40 hour week, and trying to help people that seem to have all left their brains at home.
It's not exactly the best time ever.
I really need to stop complaining, I should be thankful to have a job (no matter how annoying) in this terrible economy, and even more thankful to get the extra hours.
blah blah blah ;)

hehe, I found this floating around my Tumblr dash and I thought it was an excellent illustration of my feelings on life today. Except for I think that being a real live owl would kinda suck. You have to eat bugs. Ew. Plus real live owls scare me. I love cutesy cartoon owls, and owl illustrations (like the one above), but real ones just freak me out. Don't ask why. I think it might be the whole 360 head turn thing. They just really give me the chill willies.

We got our final paper assignment in English yesterday, and I couldn't be more pleased with the topic. "Pick your favorite song, analyze it, and explain why you like it." LOVE. The only thing that is hard it picking my "favorite song." I honestly don't think that I have a particular song that is my favorite. However, I do have a favorite band. Which is Showbread. Obvi. I chose their song "I Think I'm Going to See You" off of their album The Fear of God. I LOVE this album. It is incredible.Amazing.Fantastic. You get the point. LISTEN TO IT! Below is a video of the song, so you can listen to it and fall head over heels in love with Showbread just as I have.

I have my oral spanish final today. I think I am going to pee my pants.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I want to teach myself to be satisfied with the simple things in life.
Lately, I've been wanting lots of stuff.
Clothes, bags, make-up, nail polish, etc.
Stupid stuff that hardly has any lasting value at all.
I get so consumed with wanting more that I forget to be content with all the things that I am beyond blessed with.
I stand in my packed out closet in the mornings, complaining that I have "nothing to wear."
This is just pathetic. 
I have plenty of things to be thankful for, and I need to stop always wanting more.

Monday, May 9, 2011

today has consisted of...

working out
drinking water
studying for finals
listening to my entire Showbread collection
waiting patiently for summer

It's really hot today. I'm definitely NOT complaining.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Today I am hatin.
I am hatin on a stupid person. I have never disliked so stinkin much in my ENTIRE live long life.
I guess breaking hearts just isn't enough for you.
People are SUCH hypocrites.
My apology was a lie.
I am NOT SORRY for anything that I said.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

a public service announcement relevent to the apocalypse of modern music

So this week is proving to be about 3481407235098234x better than last week. I've been more positive, and I'm trying not to get stressed out about things. Plus, I have a VERY exciting event on Thursday night! Do you wanna know? Do ya? Do ya? Okay... I guess I'll tell you...


if you live in Springfield you should totes come! It starts at 6 :)

eeeeeeep! I am so stinkin excited! If you don't listen to their music, then you should! My two favorite C.D.'s are No Sir, Nihilism is Not Practical, and Age of Reptiles. Every single song on those albums is fantastic.
For the most part, I've gotten out of my "oh I'm so hardcore, all I listen to is screamo, wear band tees" phase, but Showbread is still my one true love(musically speaking).

here are some of my favorite songs of theirs, to give you a taste of the wonderfullness that is Showbread.

 This is Oh! Emetophobia!
Its a love song that Josh wrote for his wife Abi. It's easily my favorite song of forever.

Mouth Like a Magazine

Dead by Dawn

These three are my all time favorite Showbread songs. I hope you like them! and if you don't, then I only have one thing to say to you...

Monday, April 25, 2011

not all right.

I am SO tired of feeling like this. The feeling of never being good enough has one again leaked itself into my system. I haven't felt like this in so long, so maybe thats why this time it hurts so much.
Ever since I started dating Tyler, I have had a confidence in myself, and our relationship that I have never felt before. I believed my myself, I believed that I was beautiful, and an answered prayer to him. I never once had any doubts in anything that he said. Everything was just so perfect. Until last saturday. Ever since then, I have had this black cloud of gloom floating over my head. The little voices have come back, telling me that I'm stupid to think that Tyler could ever want to be with me forever. I'm just not good enough. I'm not pretty enough, I'm not exciting enough. How stupid could I be to think that someone like him would want to be with me?
I feel like I've trapped him in, that even if he wanted to escape this relationship that we have, he couldn't because he couldn't intentionally hurt me like that. I guess I've just started noticing little things that are different, and have changed. I over analyze them to the extreme, and I always end up coming to the worst conclusions.
I think that I'm depressed, but I don't know why. My life seems so perfect on the outside, so no one knows why I could be upset about anything. Truth be told, the inside of me is a HUGE mess.
I'm NOT okay. All these feelings being cooped up inside me, never do any good. I just want someone to talk to and be able to cry and bawl my eyes out like a baby. I know I have these people, but if I ever actually did that, I would feel so stupid. 
I'm so tired of this. I just want everything to feel normal and right again. I just want to know that I'm loved.
Is that really so much to ask?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

new playlist, woo hoo!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
weeeeeeell, here is my springtime playlist. It's a little different than my usual stuff, but I like it!


Once again I forgot all about Wedding Wednesday. I am so right brained, it is not even funny. Schedules do me absolutely no good!
Anyways, here is a round up of wedding goodness that I absolutely love!

This whole wedding is just a gem. But the thing that I loved most about it was the kite boutonnieres! So cute, and they would be an incedibly easy DIY!

Eeep! I LOVE these handmade banners, and the wedding poster idea!

I found this adorable cake floating around my tumblr dash.
I love rainbow layer cakes so much.

I'm sorry if I have been annoying everyone with my "oh woe is me" posts. I find that when I look back at events or certain times in my life, I don't really remember how I was feeling. So whenever I write it down, I can look back at this blog and be like "oh yeah, I remember now!" sorry if that makes no sense, nu it does in my head.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I hate it when I'm super upset, and I really have no reason to be.
It is seriously one of the worst feelings in the world.
I wish that I could just be numb to my emotions every once in a while, and not be so fragile.
My feelings get hurt way too easily, and I overanalyze everything way too much.
This week just needs to be over already, and I need to go to bed.

Random Wednesday

I think that this will be my motto until this semester ends. Something about this semester is just off, and I don't really like it that much. I'm fed up with being stuck at a community college, and not knowing what I want to do with my life. Some days I just feel so lost. However, I cannot let this bog me down. I find that as a person, I am an emotional timebomb. I am the first to admit that this is not a very fantastic quality, but it's what I am,so you can take it or leave it. This being said, I am going to try my absolute hardest to be positive and try my hardest to end this less than wonderful semester on a good note. I pre-registered for all my Fall 2011 classes today, and I am very pleased with how that worked out. Yay!

I am such a geek when it comes to outer space. I think that planets are fascinating and terrifying at the same time. They are absolutely beautiful.

I really really wish that I liked sushi. But I don't like cold meat or fish, so I don'think that I would like it that much. I've never tried it, I'm too scared. Perhaps I shall do it someday, but maybe not. I am such a baby when it comes to trying new foods.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I don't understand why people are so quick to assume. All it does is hurt peoples feelings and make everything messed up in the end.
I've tried really hard to balance a serious relationship, friends, church, school, and work this year, and I thought I was doing an okay job of it. I mean, thats a lot of stuff!
Apparently, I'm not doing to hot.
I wish that people would understand that I don't spend all my time with Tyler. At. All. We don't ever see each other during the week except for wednesday nights. And that is only for like five minutes.
We hang out all day on saturday usually, because that is our day.
If I ever miss something church related, like bible study, it is PURELY school related. I can assure you that when I would much rather be at church with all those lovely people, I am in my room buryied to my nose in books and notes and stuff. NOT with Tyler.
Though it's nobodies business anyways, but for some reason, when it comes to me, assunptions are always made.

It makes me really sad that people think that I've turned into a boyfriend obsessed snob who doesn't want to be friends with anyone else. That is SO not true!
I love all my friends so stinkin much, and it breaks my heart to think that I have led them to believe that.

I just don't know what to do anymore.
It seems as if no matter what I do, I can't make everyone happy.
But maybe I just need to stop worrying about everyone and just focus on the people that are truly there for me.
There are going to be some roughish times coming up for Tyler and I soon, and I'm going to need all the love and support from friends that I can get.

Maybe I need to work more on my balance.
I guess time will tell how all this works out.

In other news, I got my TOMs today!
I am so excited to customize them!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


see? communication isn't that hard.

I guess it's pretty easy to say that no one cares, whenever you won't tell them whats wrong in the first place.

I'm so tired of trodding on eggshells.
I'm so sick of never knowing what I've done this time to mess up so bad.
I'm so sick of everyone telling me things, instead of you.
you know, even a freakin text would be better than nothing.

I'm going to shut up now.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Deas Vail is love.

Can I just take a moment to say how much I love Deas Vail?

The above video is their song "Excuses"
I think that this is my favorite song by them. My second favorite "Birds" but I think it's tied with "Sunlight"



mmmmmm mmmmm. they are so good.

today has been a fairly good day :) I turned in both of my huge projects at school, so that is a huge weight off my chest. After school, I came home and cleaned my room, and then I went to the bank (payday!).
After that, Tory and I went to Red Velvet to look around and get a cupcake. It was delish, and great to catch up!

Random Fact: I love hedgehogs!
I know, I know it's weird.
Anyways, Tyler is in the Readers Theater this year, and their play is "Hans my Hedgehog" I know it sounds kinda dumb, but it is SO good. Tyler plays Hans the Hedgehog.
They are all up in Columbia right now for the state theater competition, and he just called me and said that they got first! Yay!
I am totally excited for him, and tomorrow me and his mom are riding up there to see them preform in the finals! I am totes excited!

Well thats about all.
There are some other things weighing heavily on my heart lately, but I don't want to send out a cryptic blog message that will probably get mis-read.

I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend.