Friday, December 31, 2010

goodbye 2010.

2010 was a good year.
I will miss it muchly.
But I'm also excited for 2011. :)

Will you be single over winter? nope :) 
How old is the last person you kissed? seventeen 
Has someone ever made a promise and broke it? I'm sure that they have, but it was probably silly stuff, cause I don't really remember anything major.
Did you date anyone over the summer? yep, and I'm still with them :)
Do you think someone likes the same person you do? I wouldn't be suprised...Tyler is smokin.
Do you miss your past? not really. I love things like they are right now.
 Would you rather spend a day outside with friends or inside alone? outside with friends...duh
This time last year, do you remember who you liked? Yeah, so awkward.
Last awkward moment? when brianna asked this guy at the Landing to take a picture of us, and he took one of himself instead... Who are you missing? brianna and tyler, but they are coming over tonight!!
Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you?  my looks, and my weight. I'm really self concious.
Have you ever kissed someone who’s name started with an T? yep! the only person I have ever kissed is Tyler.
Have you ever kissed someone who’s name started with an J? hahahahahaha, no.
What’s a fact about the last person who had their arms around you? He is EXTREMELY talented, and I want to be with him forever.
What do you currently hear right now? one of my favorite bands, Deas Vail, the washer and dryer, my computer keys tapping.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed? none of my friends, but I'm sure I know someone. 
Is the last person you kissed older than you? nope, ten months younger.
How has the week been? fantastic! Brianna and I went to Branson for two days to go to Silver Dollar City, and Shopping at the Tanger, the Landing, and Target. Tyler and I MAJORLY cleaned out my room,  I got to spend some time with Brooke and Melissa, and tonight is New Years! It's been a perfect way to spend the last week of 2010.
Are you slowly drifting away from someone? nah, we drifted away pretty fast unfortunately.
Who saw your last kiss? no one, unless Troy was spying.
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Yeah, but not thirds.
What were you doing before you got on the computer? Eating lunch.
Could you handle living together with the last personyou texted? oh for sure :)
Were you happy when you woke up today? I don't really have a legit reason not to be happy, so yeah.You’re locked in a room with the person you last kissed, problems? nope, not at all.
Where is the person you last kissed at this moment? his house, probably sleeping.
Is there someone who can ALWAYS make you smile? I smile a lot, so really anyone can! But the people that make me smile most are Tyler and Brianna :) 
Do you get along with everyone in your family? Yeah pretty much, I mean we all argue sometimes, but we're just a normal family.
Why do you and your best friend fight? well one time in 1st grade, I called her a Poisonous Mushroom and she called me a Brat. Other than that little spat, I don't think we have ever fought :)
Have you ever tripped in publis? Too many times to count. It doesn't really bother me anymore.
Do you like long hugs? Only with Tyler, otherwise its awkward.
Have you ever felt like you literally needed someone? I need Jesus, and Tyler and Brianna. Literally? I don't really understand how that changes the question.
What’s more important, trust or happiness? hmmmm, tricky. I think I'll have to say trust, because if you don't truly trust anyone, how can you be happy? I trust my boyfriend and my best friend with all my heart, and I am very happy.
What’s the biggest annoyance in your life right now? acne. UGH.
Are you a patient person? I like to think so
Do you believe in true love? YES.What is today’s date? Dec. 31st
Who was the last person to call you baby/babe? no one. Tyler and I both hate that lol :)
When you’re at the grocery store do you use the self checkout? no, I usually break it.
What is your relationship status? takenandhappy.
Has anyone ever given you roses? no, roses are soooo expensive, and I would probably kill them anyways.
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? haha no. I took a quiz once on Facebook, and it said I would survive a full year in a Zombie Apocalypse, but I think it was lying.
What color are your eyes? green and blue.
How tall are you? 5’5”
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when? Tyler before I went to sleep last night.
Do you like your parents? yep
Do you secretly like someone? nope, I think it's pretty obvious.
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone? My wonderful Grandma.
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep? SLEEP. Sleep is perfection.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad? Neither.
How long does it take you to shower? 15-20 minutes. 
Can you do splits? yep.
Are you flexible? a teensy bit.
What did you do on New Years Eve? went to Melissas and played the Hannah Montana wii game, and ate way to many cheese balls.

Happy New Year Everyone!! :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

sometimes I feel crazy.

All I've been doing today is cleaning.
I am so sick of cleaning.
So I am going to blog because I have been a terribly crappy blogger as of late.

This week has been a really good one, as far as weeks go.
Brianna and I went to Branson on Monday and Tuesday, and that was super fun. It was nice to get away, and just breathe, and let go of the stresses at home.
Tyler and I hung out last night, and watched Gentleman Broncos, which has to be one of the weirdest, yet best movies that I have ever seen.

Tyler gave me a promise ring for christmas, and I know that everyone thinks its crazy. And in a way, it kinda is.
I was one of those girls who always thought that I would end up a crazy cat lady. I didn't believe in love, and I didn't understand how anyone in their right mind could love someone like me. I hated seeing everyone so happy with their boyfriends, their cute couple pictures on facebook, and all their inside jokes. I hated hated hated it. I hated whenever my friends had boyfriends, and they would blab on about dates, and anniversarys, and about how wonderful their boyfriend was.I drove me crazy and I thought it was rediculously annoying.
I am afraid that I have become one of those people.
The ones that everyone pretends to like, but behind their backs talks about how annoying they are and how they wish they would just shut up about their boyfriend.
I know that I talk about Tyler a lot. It's not something that I do intentionally, it just happens. Not because I'm trying to rub it in, but because he's the one that I spend most of my time with, and therefore I have the most stories and stuff about things that have happened with him.
I really really really don't want to annoy anyone.

And here I sit, with a promise ring on my finger. Like I said, I KNOW everyone thinks it's crazy.
We are both so young, we've only been together for nine months now, how in the world can we know that we want to be together forever?
That's a question that I can't really answer, but I will try my best.
All my life, I thought that love was this big scary thing that left you vulnerable, and hurt in the end. Boy meets girl, girls falls in love, boy doesn't, girls is obsessed, boy finds someone else. I thought that you had to at least be in college to have the feeling that someone was "the one". I've never been proved more wrong in my life.
I met Tyler for the first time on Valentines day. He visited my church, and we ended up sitting by each other, and sharing a bible. He was sweet, funny, and he could SING. holy moley, he can sing. I went home that night, and I prayed really hard about Tyler. I know it sounds crazy, but from the very moment that I met him, I just knew that he was going to have a very important role in my life. We started texting constantly, and haning out on the weekends. I felt so comfortable around him. I could be my true self, and not feel stupid and dumb because I like weird things, and ramble on forever, and change topics like twenty different times in one conversation.
I found that every time we were together, I found out something new about him. He told me things about him that no one else knew, and I told him everything.
Before I knew what was happening, I knew that the butterflies I got when I saw him, were more than just butterflies. I knew that I was in love, and it wasn'tnscary at all.  Instead, it was exciting, and secure.
Like I said, I know we're young, but we really do know what love is. I promise it's not as crazy as you all think.

I'm sorry if I annoy you.
Please no that is is not in my intentions at all.

On another note, I miss my old friends.
I miss Brooke, and Melissa, and Tyler.
I miss the fun that we all used to have together, and I hate thinking that my stubborness is one thing that has pulled us apart. I really hope that we can all hang out over break sometimg :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

how barfably adorable.

I am so cheesy.
and mushy.
and sappy.

I am so thankful for a boyfriend that loves me and makes me feel beautiful even when my face is nasty and gross.
I love him lots.

you can barf now.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

food glorious food

I am sitting at work, and I feel I am going to die from starvation. For some reason my sharp stabs of hunger have had me looking up picture of food.
Makes sense right?
no not really...

contrary to what you might be thinking, today has actually been quite productive.
I got an A(!!!!!!!!) on my final paper in Composition. If I had gotten anything other than an A I think I would have passed out. I put so much effort into that stupid thing, and I'm glad to see it paid of.
Then my business group partner and I got together to finish our business plan. I am SO GLAD that wretched thing is done. so glad. so glad. so glad.
After all that productiveness occured I came to work. Which is where I sit now, being completely unproductive. I have been creepin peoples facebooks, reading every blog on my list, googling random things, looking up pictures of food, and playing a grand total of 15 games of spider solitaire.
In other news...
This was such a great show. It was like an appropriate soap opera for kids 14 and under.
Naturally, I loved it.
Joe and Stella had me on pins and needles, Nick and Macy's coming together brought tears to my eyes, and Kevin as usual was comic relief. but thats why we love him.

also, where in the world is miley cyrus? she like completely dropped off the face of the planet after he skanky "can't be tamed" music video.
I still love her hair.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

having so much to say, and not a clue how to say it.

this week has been a sucky week for me already. I don't like it. At. All.
But I do like fragmented sentences. they. are. so. cool. Also I find that when reading fragmented sentences, it's a lot easier to interpret the writers tone. like when someone types in all caps, THEY ARE EITHER VERY EXCITED! OR MAD, OR SCREAMING, OR HATING THE WORLD IN GENERAL.
interpreting typed sentences...ah the drama will never end. just add a smiley or an lol jk to the end of most sarcastic facebook status' and much heartache will be spared.

The only people that actually read this are my friends, and I'm cool with that. That means that I can say whatever I want, and it's not like I'm spilling my guts to the world...even though this is the internet...oh well.

Brooke suggested that I write down at least one thing a day that I like about myself. I decided to do it. I think that this might help with my self hate issues. I'm going to keep a journal called "You(Karasyn) are Good Enough." I am going to write down what I like in there, and on here. we'll see if it works.
Day One. I like that I have never dyed my hair, and I get compliments on my natural color which is reddish, and I LOVE red hair.
this girl has a pretty sweet tat!
I am a jealous person. there I said it. I find that I have a hard time admitting my problems. I like just to blame stuff on other people, but most of the time I have a huge part in how I make myself feel. I was jealous when Tyler had to "love" another girl in Les Mis. Partially because she was his ex, and partially because she is super pretty. I got over it though, becuase Les Mis is over and they really can't stand each other anyways. Then I got jealous yesterday because he started this salsa dancing thing at his school, and his partner is another super pretty girl who is a seriously incredible dancer. And then he posted a facebook status about how he had the best partner in the world, followed by :D :D :D, and then saying that he was so thankful for everything that God has given him.
Naturally I interpreted this in the worst way, and immediately the insecurites that I've been trying so hard to push away popped up again.
I'm so scared. I'm scared that one day Tyler is going to wake up and realize that he could do so much better. It's not that I don't trust him, because I do! I trust him with my whole heart, and I know that he would never do anything intentionally to hurt me.
I just do not understand for the life of me why he would pick to love someone like me. I'm a wreck inside. I'm a bundle of insecurities and doubts. I'm cynical. I'm hard to open up, I keep to myself, and I keep my emotions to myself which usually cause an explosion of emotion in the end.
I know that he loves me, and I know that whith all my heart I love him. It's just hard sometimes knowing in my heart of hearts there are girls out there that would be so much better for him. Prettier girls, confident girls, girls that wouldn't cry over every single little thing. Girls that wouldn't be so needy, and have to be constantly reassured that they are loved and beautiful in his eyes.
I want to be better for him. It's just hard.
Well thats that. I'll probably feel better in the morning. I'm a gemini, and multiple personalities come along with that.
Everyday I make a picture folder on my computer with pictures that describe my mood or how I'm feeling. Here are some pictures from todays folder.

Monday, November 29, 2010

negative nancy, debby get the point.

I hate how I have such a low self esteem. I hate that no matter how hard I try, I can never find anything about myself that I like, or can even somewhat tolerate.
I hate how I look.
I hate my personality.
I hate my skin.
I hate my hair.

I hate the voice inside my head that tells me that I'm never good enough.
I want it to die.

I don't understand how someone can love me and think that I'm beautiful.
There is nothing beautiful in me.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"to love another person is to see the face of God"

so here I am.
I've been pretty quiet on here for the past several weeks, because honestly I didn't feel like I had anything to say. I pretty much failed the 30 day blog challenge, I only made it to day twenty something. I'm fine with that though, because you can only write so many posts strictly about yourself, and pictures of the same thing over and over. An honestly, it's not like people even read this anyways. I'm sure that my not blogging for a while didn't cause frustration, angst, or tears. I would like to be able to document most of the major happenings of my life to look at down the years, but sometimes you just dont have time. I'm okay with this. As I told Brianna last friday during our Red Velvet "I am not a slave to the internet." If I don't feel like blogging, then I am not going to blog. It is that simple.
I feel that in my life, the internet is a HUGE distraction. I'll get online to check my facebook and catch up on my daily blog reads and the next thing I know what should have been a maybe 20 minute thing has turned into hours due to my addiction to hulu and netflix. This being said, I've been trying to just spend less time in the virtual world, and more time in the real one.
During my hiatus I did things that I had been wanting to do for sometime, but I couldn't ever "find the time to do." I baked a lot. I spent much more time on my school work. I read books. I did crafty stuff. I spent time with my grandparents, and played with my little brother. I hung out a lot with Tyler. I did things with friends. I lived life.  and it felt good. really good.  Well thats all I have to say about that :)

In other news: Tyler's school is doing a production of Les Miserables this week. I have already been to two showings of it, and I'm going to two more on Friday and Saturday. I LOVE IT.  At first I was unsure about it. I mean it is 2 and 1/2 hours of straight singing. It's all about death.  But oh my word it is absolutely beautiful. I could watch it every day and love it more and more. Tyler is playing the role of Marius(which is funny because that the character that Nick Jonas is playing for the 25th anniversary production on Broadway and Tyler HATES the Jonas Brothers) Have I already talked about how Tyler can sing? Oh. My. Gosh. He can sing! his voice is so beautiful and lovely I could listen to it all day long. He is also an incredible actor. Oh how I love him so :)

It is super cold here today, and I woke up late so I'm breaking my "never wear sweats to college" rule. I feel like a walking cliche.

this is me being disgusted at myself for not wearing sweats. oh well...I'll get over it :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

it's just that time of year...

for giveaways apparently :)
this time it's a handmade hoodie featured on The Dainty Squid!

obviously, they are super cute, and FREE.
who doesn't like free stuff?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

another awesomely awesome giveaway!

Biscuit is having an amazing giveaway! you don't want to miss it! Click on the link to go to her blog and enter!! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

catching up.

Day 19
Something You Miss

I really miss all of my old friends from high school. I should have made more of an effort to keep up with them over the summer, but babysitting kind of took over my life and I never saw anyone. We all need to have a coffe/cupcake reunion post haste!

I miss being little and everything seeming so huge and exciting. When I was little, I seriously thought that the Ozark Empire Fair was the coolest thing ever. My year revolved around when the fair was coming to town again. I loved bright lights, the funnell cakes, and picking a plastic duck out of a cheap swimming pool to win a plushie toy. Now that I'm older, the fair just seems sparse and dirty. Riding a ride that creaks and was literally put together over night freaks me out, and I pretty much bark at the thought of comsuming deep fried dough. Ick! On this same note would be christmas. While getting awesome stuff from my parents is neat and wonderful, I wish Santa was real. Because that was so much more exciting! Though we still play the Santa game because Troy is still little :)

Day 20
I don't really have that many, but here are some...
Care-Bear(from middle school when care-bears were cool, and though that my name kind of sounding like it was cool too.)
Lari( the explanation is too long, though many people at church still call me this)

boringly enough, most people just call me Karasyn, and I'm cool with that :) I love my name!

Day 21
A picture of you.

taken on my webcam...boring, I know.

Day 22
Favorite City

My favorite city is Los Angeles :)

sometimes sweet giveaway...and an update later to come

so I was just over visiting Danielle's blog and she has an AWESOME november sponsor giveaway going on right now! go check it out! you no not want to miss it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

the days fly by...

Day 16.
your dream house.

ooooo I love this one! Though honestly, when  think about my dream house, I don't think much about the exterior. Of course I would prefer something cutesy and older with a colored front door, but quite honestly I don't care if I spend the rest of my life in a cookie cutter subdivision house, or an apartment somewhere. Like with most things, to me it's the interior that matters.
That being said, here are some pictures that I have collected for house inspiration down the road!

oh my my, how perfectly wonderful does this bed look?
I want me and my husband to have a room like this one.
comfy and cozy. a sweet retreat to just spend time together.

I know that this kitchen, is completely unorganized and messy, but it's filled with life.
The kitchen in my house, has always been warm and inviting. My mom is always in there cooking something, and us kids are always in there doing homework. It smells like pumpkin spice and sugar cookies.
When I am married and have a family, I want my kitchen to be like the one that I grew up with. I'm gonna be one of those moms that hangs up every picture and every good grade on the fridge. My kids will probably hate me for it later, but I really don't care :)
I want to be cooking dinner, waiting for my husband to come home, and helping my kids with homework.
I want the kitchen to be a place where everyone can just let their hair down.
A place where me and my kids can go crazy and make crazy art and do cool crafts.
I love kitchens.
I feel like they say a lot about a house.

here are just some random home interior picture that I find to be perfection...

pretty pretty pretty :)

Day 17
something you look forward to.
  1. Mine and Brianna's Haloween Bonfire Extravaganza this saturday!
  2. Taking Graphics Design next semester
  3. getting baptized this sunday
  4. getting married! Eeeeeee :)
  5. creating a family
  6. deciding on a career
  7. having the rest of my life to spend with my true love
  8. getting to know Jesus :)
Day 18
something I regret
oh man. I know that some people live without regrets, but I'm not one of those people.
I think that regreting something and forgiving yourself of something are two completely different things. I don't need to forgive myself of anything, because Jesus has done that for me. He has cleared everything away that I am not proud of, so I've forgiven myself of that!
But I there are definitely things that I regret doing. Such as...
  • wasting so much time in high school. I already hit on this, but I wish I would have spend more time just being myself and having fun with friends, rather than changing and hating myself because of a dumb guy. lame!
  • taking so long to finally accept Jesus.
  • talking back to my parents. as I've grown up (kinda haha) I've made the grand discovery that my parents really do know what they are talking about! :) I could just kick myself for all the times I fought with them and argued with them about things they were doing, just so I would stay out of trouble.
I think that pretty much it! Have a great day :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

i am a bad blogger.

so the weekend was once again super busy, and I found myself not even thinking about the internet! This is saying a lot coming from me, because sadly I am a fairly internet obsessed person.

anyways, so here are the days that I neglected while I was out and about having a fantastic weekend:)

Day 12.
something you believe in.

I believe in many things, so I'll try to put some of the main things on this list.

1. I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe that they are one perfect holy trinity. The holy trinity boggles my mind every time I think about it, but I know that it is a very true thing.
2. Along with number 1, I believe that Jesus died on a cross for everyones sin, including my own. Jesus will always forgive me, and he is the rock that I am tied to. He lifts me up and guides me through this world that is not my home.
3. People are beautiful because of their imperfections.
4. TRUE LOVE. I spent the majority of my high school years wasting time and fretting about finding my future husband. I worried my self sick over it. I changed myself too much, in order to get a guy to like me, and in the end nothing worked out with him. I took it pretty hard, and I convinced myself that I wasn't good enough for anyone, and that I was ugly and gross and all around wretched. I ignored my friends, cried myself to sleep, was moody, depressed, and for lack of a better way of putting it, completely stupid. Just when I though I was at my breaking point, God stepped in, and I met Tyler for the very first time. Someday I'll post our story on here :) Anyways, so if there is anyone out there who is completely depressed, at the thought of being single, don't be. Take this time to be yourself and chase after your dreams(no matter how crazy or intimidating you think that they are) and take time to pursue God. Don't waste your time. You'll only want to kick yourself later.

I believe in other things to, but those are the four main ones.

Day 13.

oh my goodness. I find writing goals down to be an extremely intimidating thing. I feel that once a goal is written down, it must be accomplished, so usually goals are something that I keep personal, but I signed up for this challenge, so here goes nothin'!

Goal 1.
Now that I am a christian, my goal is to completely fall in love with God. I want to read my bible, and pray, and meditate, and urgently seek the heart of my creator.

Goal 2.
I want to get married within the next three years. I know that a lot of people think that getting married young is a mistake, but I've never seen it that way. I can't think of anything better, than starting our my new life with my true love young. To me, learning and growing together, can only bring good. I know that financially it's harder, but if Gods on your side, you are under his financial umbrella. I believe that if you serve him, and give back what he has given to you through tithing, that he will always take care of you and provide.

Goal 3.
I want to have at least on child before 25. I want to be a mom more than anything in the world. I can't think of anything more precious than creating life, and raising children and teaching them to be strong, loving, and creative.

Goal 4.
Decide on a career. Graduate College. This is going to be the most tricky I think.

Goal 5.
Develop a simple lifestyle. Take joy in the smaller things, and learn that designer brands and material things(no matter how cute and adorable that they might be!) do not equal happiness.

Goal 6.
Eat healthier. I've cut soda out of my diet. I can drink it once a month, but I don't really even want to anymore. I need to learn to like vegetables!

Day 14.
A Picture You Love.

I love wedding pictures, and seeing two people in love.

Day 15.
A Bible Verse.

I have an extremely hard time just being still. I'm always thinking, or worrying, or doing something. This verse helps me to just take time and be still before my creator.

well thats all, I think!
have a good day :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

day 11

your favorite T.V. shows.
I never used to ever watch tv...and then we got netflix.
and thus begins my love for the following shows.

I will go ahead and cover my TLC obsessions in one swoop.
I am one of those girls who has dreamed about her wedding since the say she was born.
This show gives me warm fuzzy feelings, and makes me all happy and emotional.
I just LOVE weddings.
also, Randy and Keisha are the best ever. If I had enough money to fork over thousands on a wedding dress I would be marching straight to Kleinfelds to have Randy and Keisha help me out.
Sadly, my income is not so great to spend thousands on one dress for one day.

Cake Boss.
mmmm I love me some cake! and I love watching people make huge cakes.
The only bad thing, is that watching it always makes me hungry.

there is something about this show that I find fascinating in an almost sick kind of way.
These little girls look like dolls.
I'm not quite sure about my feelings towards putting 4 year olds in full makeup with fake tans and hair extensions, but it makes for a very entertaining show.

I love clothes.
I love to watch people learn how to buy and wear clothes that look good.

Basically I am obsessed with reality tv, and it is totally lame.
In middle school I watched Laguna Beach religiously.
I also watch teen mom. It is a terrible guilty pleasure.

I am lamee!