Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I heart tuesday.

thank you guys for your sweet words, and making me feel really warm and fuzzy inside.
I apologize about the whiney woe is me post, sometimes a girls just gotta vent ya know?
so I thought that since yesterday was just depressing, today should be filled with pretty stuff that is happy!
good lord, I have the biggest mood swings I have ever heard of!

Janel posted this picture yesterday, and I thought it was super cute. Plus I love that quote.
also, click on that link and check out here blog! Right now, she and her husband are having a big fundraiser to help them adopt a sweet baby girl :) there are some super cute items in her etsy up for grabs too!

Valentines sprinkles and heart shaped measuring spoons! So cute! I love sprinkles, but for some reason Valentines sprinkles are my favorite.

BOOKS! Lots and lots of books.

I want these for my headphones!

Dipn'Dots! I love these things, and they make me so excited for summer. This feels  like the longest winter ever. And there is supposed to be more snow tonight, which is just yucky. I am a summer girl through and through.

I think i will attempt to do this with my spools. For some reason I was compelled to by a bag of spools at a thrift store a long time ago, and now I have something to do with them. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE random things from thrift stores!! I bought a cute old Kodak camera today at the D.A.V. I am so excited for cupcakes tomorrow!!!! :) :) :) Glad your day is better today!!! <3
