Wednesday, February 16, 2011

wedding wednesday

wow. I really really stink at keeping schedules and remembering to do things.
we'll just say that I skipped wedding wednesday last week due to the intense funk that the snow put me in.
Speaking of snow, has anyone else noticed this weather? because it is INCREDIBLE. It can stay like this still spring starts and I will be totally happy.
anyways, moving on...

I've always thought that I wanted a bunch of separate cakes at my wedding because it was "different". However, seeing all these awesome and creative tiered cakes might just change my whole opinion. I LOVE THE BUNTING.

paper flowers are a must. I'm sure that one day I will look back at them and think that they are dreadfully tacky. but right now I love them.

 the dress to the right is absolutely gorgeous. Be still my heart. It's bigger than anything that I ever really thought that I would like, but I really really really like it!

I love this bucket idea.

I love these flowers, but I really love the braided fabric around the stems! Eeep so pretty!

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