Monday, February 7, 2011


Its been a really long time since I've felt pretty.
And I'm not saying that so you'll comment this saying "oh karasyn, you're so cute! What in tarnation are you talking about?" cause it there is one thing I hate, it's when people fish for compliments. So I SWEAR that is not at all what I am doing.
I'm just getting my feelings out there.

Ever since I can remember, I've always felt inferior and weird around other people.
Somehow, I just got super lucky and made friends with people who were  outgoing, and more socially savvy and I just kind of trailed behind. When I see someone, my brain automatically lists out the things about this person that are better than me. Their hair is shinier, their skin is tanner, they're skinnier, their smile is prettier...the list goes on and on. It's not something I do intentionally, it just happens.

Reading Fashion magazines, doesn't help at all. All the models in them are airbrushed, and size zeros. I know that not everyone is built to look like that, but I really beat myself up for not living up to what magazines shove in my face. Sometimes, I don't want to eat because everything in me screams that if I eat "that" then I will immediately bloat. Obviously, I ignore that most of the time, because I like food way too much. But after I eat something, I hate myself afterwards. It's the days where I comsume only 500 calories that I feel great. and I know that there is something really really wrong with that. And now summer is coming up, and the pressure is on more than ever. I'm always the girl that wears a tank top and shorts over her swimsuit in the pool, because she hates her thighs, and doesn't want anyone to see how white they are. But now I have Tyler, and I don't want him to think I'm frumpy and weird, so obviously I have to wear a swimsuit without anything over it. I'm scared to death.
At the beginning of this school year I started getting acne, which is SUPER weird for me becuase I never had any problems at all with that dreadful stuff until now. I've tried everything, and it's starting to clear up, but knowing that I have stupid pimples on my face really really lowers my self esteem. I just want them to go away forever.
Sometimes, I get really stressed out because I know that there are girls out there that are prettier than I am. There are girls that are funnier than I am. Girls that are more exciting than I am. Girls that are more talented than I am. I really don't understand most of the time why Tyler dates me. He always tells me that I'm beautiful, and I want so much to believe him. But I just can't, because I know its not true.

I just wish, that I could wake up, and look in the mirror and like what I see. Cause I'm so sick of hating myself.


  1. Karasyn,
    I know that you specifically said that you didn't want compliments, but i'm sorry that's what you're going to get :)

    i know that you are not one of those fake girls out there that is always cutting herself down just so people will brag on them. you are without a doubt the most geniune person i know!! i think that you are SOOOO stinkin' gorgeous!!!! I was actualy (no joke) thinking this last night at church! You are soo pretty and have the most beautiful hair, and are like the perfect size and so cute and not only that but you have the best personality of anyone i ever knew!!!! So anyway, last night you were sitting there with tyler and i was thinking, "karasyn and tyler are the best looking couple i have ever seen!!"

    I mean this from the very bottom of my heart. You are not only the prettiest person in the world, but everything about you radiates beauty!! You are my best friend. Not some stupid, over-editted, over-paid model. Not some snobby emaciated snob. You. The people that love you, love you for you. Don't change a thing.

    In all seriousness I completely envy you most of the time. Not only your gorgeous hair and pretty face :) but your awesome taste in clothes, and as much as you deny it and say we just like the same things, i totally copy you.

    Also, if you are worried about being seen in a swimsuit, gosh. what hope do i have lol ;)

    I just wanted you to know how much I love you and I really, truly, honestly, from the very bottom of my heart think that you are the most beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, stupendous person on the planet and I thank God everyday for letting me be your friend!!!!

    :) :) :)
    I love you!!!
    <3 <3 <3

  2. Don't you think that if you are doing these things other people are more than likely doing the same thing to you? Most people criticize themselves more than they do others. the things they don't like about other people are the things they don't like about themselves. I do all those things you listed up there. Except think about not eating. I don't care I wanna eat. You are who you are. It doesn't change. As for Tyler he doesn't see those things like you see them. You are different people. He doesn't want you more "tan" he doesn't want you to be "skinnier" he's going out with you because you're you.

  3. Karasyn, you truely are beautiful I always think you are, inside and out. You may think you are boring or wish you were more talented, but I never think you are, I love your ideas and I'm sure plenty of others do too. I struggle with things too, we all do but we are who we are for a reason. Tyler loves you for who you are and many others do too.

  4. thanks guys :)
    all that really means a lot to me!

    Sorry for the whine-fest!
