Tuesday, March 1, 2011


hello all.
It seems as if I haven't blogged about anything in forever, and lots has happened since I did last blog.
So I guess I actually do have something to say.
This past week showed me that your true friends will always stick with you no matter whats going on. You can't let misunderstandings stand in the way of a great friendship, and I'm glad that we didn't let that happen :)

annnnyways, so this weekend was positively lovely.
on Friday, Brianna and I went to Neighborhood Pizza, Red Velvet, and Maggies (where womens wear was on sale for a dime!) That was absolutely wonderful, and I got some pretty cute stuff!
Oh, and also I purchased my first vintage dress from Red Velvet. Its this super cute black dress, and the best part was that it was on the $10 rack! woooooo hooooo!

Saturday: I started out the morning by waking up earlyish and cleaning. Then my family went to Troy's last basketball game. It was so cute, and they won! I love my little brother, he is a stud. After that, I went home, ate food, and caught up on some online assignments. Tyler came over and we watched Anastasia. I loved that movie when I was a kid, but now it just seems creepy! After that, we went to his grandmas house and we played Apples to Apples and Nertz. This is where the adventure started...First of all, Tyler and I should never be allowed into a car by ourselves without a GPS.  So his grandma lives in Halltown which is seriously in the middle of nowhere, and Michelle(tylers mom) tried to explain to us how to take the backroads to I-44. The roads were pitch black and foggy and terrifying, and it reminded me too much of the book House, and the movie The Human Centipede. We then missed our exit onto the highway, and hit an opossum, and got followed until we decided to turn around. Now it's just funny to look back on.

Sunday was fun, and then Brianna invited us over after church to her family birthday celebration, and a good time was had by all. Plus she got super cute presents!

well I guess that was a weekend re-cap.
the end!


  1. yay yay yay for being friends and getting cute cheap things!!!! :)

  2. I watched anastasia the other night too. Ironic. And the human centipede. Gross movie. I watched on fast forward and still wanted to puke.
