Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cupcakes, Church, and Applebees.

wednesday was a lovely day.
Brianna, Me, and my mom all went to Neighborhood Pizza for lunch (they have THE BEST toasted ravioli in the WORLD) and then Brianna and I went to Red Velvet to look at vintage that we will never afford, and to get some tasty cupcakes. Usually we eat ours there, but yesterday we decided to each get two and bring them home to share the love. We are so sweet, hahaha :) The cupcakes that I got were Snickerdoodle and of course Red Velvet. DELISH. The Snickerdoodle cupcake tasted just like a snickerdoodle cookie. Crazy Right? It was so good.
After that I came home and chilled out for a while, and then I went to church.
Tyler preached for the youth service, and he did a fantastic job! His message was called "God Loves My Dirt" it was all about how everyone is created from dirt ( In Genesis, it talks about how man were created from the dust of the ground a.k.a dirt.) and that God plants a gift inside all of the dirt, and its our job to cultivate that gift and let it grow so you can use it for christ. He also talked about reading your bible and praying, so you are able to witness to your friends and kids at school.
His whole message hit me pretty hard. I guess that you could say that playing piano is my "talent". And I really do anything but use it for the lord. I took piano lessons from preschool to sophomore year. I played for the church a few times, and only then it was because I was forced to. Playing in front of big crowds is really terrifying to me. It always has been. But Tylers message showed me that as long as I pray for the strength to play in front of big crowds, and let Gods love be shown through my music, that everything will be fine.
After that, I went upstairs for the college service. worship was AMAZING. so good. Dustin talked about Paul, and how he was always praising God, even in the hard times. Paul is such an inspiration.
After church and big bunch of us went to Applebees because of their half off apetizers after 10. I got boneless wings, and they were really good. Plus I got to spend some time with friends that I haven't talked to in a super long while, so it was fun!
Today, my mom is at a staff meeting, so I got up early to drop Troy off at school. I think I'll watch an episode of 10 Things I Hate About You, and then clean up my room a bit. And then when my mom gets home we are going to start making home made chinese food! Woooooo :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay yay yay!!!! My computer is letting me leave comments! :D I am soooo excited for chinese food!!!!!
