Tuesday, January 25, 2011

hello hello.

At the begining of semester, work is so frustratingly boring.
I got here at 8:15, and I'll be here till 2:15. Lucky Me.
I really hate Tuesdays/Thursdays with all my heart. After I work, I go straight to my 2:30 Macroeconomics class, then to my 4:00 spanish class, and finally to my 6:00 to 8:30 graphic design class. So basically I'm here at OTC for 12 hours and 15 minutes on these days. FUN FUN!
I really like Monday, Wednesday, Fridays a whole lot better!
Tomorrow, my last class gets out a 10:00 am, and my mom and I are going to the south side because I have a dermatologist appointment. Usually I dread appointments with any kind of doctor, but this one I am actually looking forward to. I am SO SICK of acne. It really just ruins my days.
Anyways, while we are out and about, I hope to get a little shopping done :)
My boss gave me a borders gift card for christmas, and I think I'm gonna get this little gem of a book...

also , I have like ZERO shoes that I actually like right now. The last pair of shoes I bought were at Target, on sale for $5, right before school started.
All my other shoes are super old, and smell kinda ranky.
This being said, I am going to buy shoes, and not feel guilty about spending money on myself, woo hoo! :)

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