Saturday, April 9, 2011

I don't really have anything to say...but here I go anyways.

Last night, I was such an insomniac.
My room was so super hot, and I couldn't get tired for the life of me. So, in an effort to get tired, I read through my entire blog from high school. oh man.
Just looking back at the complete 180 that my life has took since then is absolutely crazy. But in a good way.
I'm so glad that I started a blog. I know that I hardly have any readers, and my blog isn't the best in content, but blogging is a truly personal experience for me. There are so many memories, good and bad, that I recorded from my sophomore-senior years of high school. I'm glad that I have them all written out, to look at sometimes. (Is that weird? Eh, I don't really care.)
I wish that I could go back and tell my fifteen year old self who was experiencing her first broken heart that everything was going to be okay. I wish that I could go back, and laugh with giggle with my sixteen year old self whenever the drama was just too crazy. I wish that I could go back and tell my seventeen year old self not to get annoyed by the small things. To keep my friends close, and never let them go.
But I can't.
But ya know, I don't think that I would take back anything that happend in high school for anything in the world. All those things that I went through all shaped me into the person that I am today. All those moments when I thought that I was alone and completely unloveable, have lead up to a point where I can embrace love fully, and know that my heart is safe in the place that I have put it.  All the drama has made me more understanding, and more open to hearing others opinions before things blow completely out of proportion.

A lot of the time I find myself trying to make my blog more appealing to others, just in case someone new from the blogosphere comes in and reads. But I really shouldn't care. This blog is for ME. A place to record my memories, and things that inspire me. I wish that more people would understand that, rather than feeling as if they have to follow that latest "blog trends".

Well, I guess that no blog would be complete without at least one picture at the end.

Speaking of reading, I'm now going to read my new book.
I hope you have a good day.

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