Wednesday, October 20, 2010

day 10

something that you are afraid of.
I am majorly afraid of two things.
The first is fish.
I know it is probably the stupidist fear of all time, but fish legitimately freak me out.
When I go tubing in the lake I am scared that one is going to start sucking on my toe and pull me under.
Table Rock Lake also has Aligator-Gars.

enough said.

my second fear is child birth.
I hate needles.
I hate pain.
I hate the smell of hospitals.
I want to have babies more than anything, once I'm married, but I'm so scared that I'll do something wrong.
I'm also scared at the thought of not being able to have kids.
So I guess I'm scared of having kids, but I'm also scared of not having them either.

1 comment:

  1. Fish ARE pretty freaky. I always have scary thoughts of falling into the ocean and being surrounded by creepy slimy fish of all sizes. *shudder*
