Friday, October 8, 2010

obnoxious people at hardees, stealing a tootsie roll, and more obnoxious people.

Today my mom picked me up from school to go out to lunch before I had to work. mommy picked me up from college. It's only because I didn't want to loose my beloved parking spot I promise.
Anyways so we went to Hardees, and as we were ordering the most obnoxious fat greasy black man( I don't care if that sounds racist. HE was the racist one.) came shouting up to the counter pushing me and my mom out of the way to complain that they didn't give him enough fries.
Umm hello? You are a large man. you DO NOT need more fries. thank you.
So anyways, he's up there throwing the biggest hissy fit that I have ever seen a grown man throw. Over fries. So incredible.
Thankfully, the manager of this particular Hardees is a much nicer person than I because he gave the man ANOTHER helping of fries.
So that was all said and done, and me and my mom just stood there wanting to burst out laughing while we were waiting for our chicken.
*sidenote* Hardees has the best chicken strips, french fries, and honey mustard in the whole world. I am a total Hardees snob.
see?? It is Heaven on a plate.
Just as the Hardees worker is about to put our tray of heavenly goodness on the counter for us to take and devour, the greasy fat black me comes RAVING(yes he was even madder) up to the counter to complain about how his burger is too small.
It was seriously one of the biggest burgers I have ever seen.
So he goes on and on and on and on AND ON about how it is wimpy and limp and pathetic and he wouldn't even feed it to his cat and how when he picks it up and drops it piece by piece onto his napkin it doesn't look like the commercial.
Of course it doesnt you dummy! that stuff is FAKE.
the manager then tells him that he will just have to eat this burger and be happy with it, because it was the 2 POUND burger that he ordered and he would have to pay more if he wanted it to be bigger.
Then the greasy fat blackman starts litterally screaming at the poor sweet manager about being racist! and then he drags poor little me and my mom into it, saying that "if these white girls asked for a bigger burger you would give it to them"
So stupid.
I really really really dislike people.
but the chicken strips were deeelish :)

Then me and my mom went to Walmart and as we were walking in this man asked if I wanted a Tootsie Roll and I said "sure!" and I took it and went inside.
Then mom told me that he was expecting a donation for that.
I feel guilty now.

Now I am sitting at work.
people are so obnoxious.

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