Sunday, October 3, 2010

a completely emotionally draining weekend. lots and lots of words.

Oh my goodness, where do I even start.
This weekend has been crazy, terrifying, and completely reassured me that God has his hand on me.
It started on Friday, after work I went to Tylers with my brother Ryan to pick up Tyler (his car is broken) to go to his sister Alyssa's sweet sixteen. I was driving, and Tyler was directing me because the party was seriously in the middle of nowhere and I had no idea where I was going. So we go down Tyler's street and he tells me to make a left turn onto I-60. Left turns in general terrify me and make me completely nervous, but this was worse than usual because traffic was flying. I looked to my left, and there was a pretty decent gap, so I looked to my right, and it seemed as if there was a pretty decent gap too. So I pull out onto the highway and Tyler screams "KARASYN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I then look to my right, and there is a car flying at us at 70 miles per hour.
This is where God stepped in.
The brakes in my car work, but they aren't the best. However they stopped on a dime. No skidding or anything. They just stopped the car perfectly. The other driver, was paying attention completely and was able to slam on his brakes and swerve around me just in time.
No one was hurt. The cars are completely fine.
At this point I pull over and start to bawl uncontrolably. I just about killed my boyfriend, my brother, and some person that I don't even know.
The other driver was incredibly nice, and even insisted that we have a group hug. He then wrote down my information and we both drove away.
I cried pretty much the entire way to the party, and when we got there, I told his mom and dad what I had just about done, and sobbed uncontrollably then. He seriously has the nicest parents in the whole world, because they were not mad at all. They just hugged me and told me how much they love me.
Alyssa's party was super fun though, we danced to a bunch of 80's songs and it was awesome.
Occasionally throughout the night I would start crying. I think I was still in shock.
Then I cried on the way back to Tylers house.
I cried when I got home and told my parents what had happened, and they weren't mad either.
I cried when I went upstairs, and got a text from Tyler telling me how much he loves me.
I cried when I got into bed because I couldn't get the *almost* accident out of my head.
I cried A LOT.

I got up and washed my car and did some cleaning around the house, and then I went over to Tylers.
We hung out and talked and watched a very strange movie called AI, about artificial intelligence.
I felll asleep a lot, I don't know why, I was just particularly exhausted.
Then we went upstairs to eat dinner, which was delicious, his dad is a grill master.
I started feeling funny when I was sitting at the table, so I got up to put away my dishes, thinking that walking around would help me a little.
However, after I sat down my plate, everything went black and the next thing I know, I'm sprawled on the floor with Tyler about to call 911 and his mom wiping my face with a washcloth.
I guess I fainted, which was weird cause I've never actually fainted before.
His mom is a RN so she told me that I needed to make a doctors appointment right away to get myself checked out.
Then me and Tyler went back downstairs, and I felt completely normal, and the world was great once again.
I went home, and told my parents what had happened even though none of us were that concerned and I went to bed.

This morning I woke up feeling perfectly normal, and went downstairs for breakfast and coffee.
My dad started talking to me about last night and everything that happened.
This is where is gets weird.
My heart started racing really really fast, and I couldn't catch my breath. I told my dad, and he tried to find my pulse, but he couldn't and by that time I felt fine. Then everything went black, and I started freaking out and I told my dad that I couldn't see and my mom came in and they tried to take me to the living room to lay down, but I proclaimed that I had to puke so they tried to lead me to the kitchen to the sink but I passed out in the doorway, and the next thing I know my mom is calling 911 and I'm freaking out because my favorite sweatpants that I am wearing have a hole in the butt and I want to change. So my mom brings down my other favorite pants, and the sheriff gets there, followed by and ambulance, a firetruck, and 3 of those official looking SUVs. They took all my vitals, and tell my mom that everything looks normal but to take me to the hospital immediately.
I tell my mom to call Tyler, and he showed up in like three minutes.
He is incredible. I had just woken up, so I had a complete bed-head, I hadn't washed my face, and had on zero makeup, and he still told me that I am beautiful, and how much he loves me. I love him so much.
So we drive over to the ER and they check me right in and have me put on one of those hideous hospital gowns. Then they put on the blood pressure cuff, and one of those glowing red finger things, and they put a bunch of patched on my chest and hooked me up to a heart monitor.
I felt like I was in some soap opera.
Then the lady came in to take a blood sample which I was terrified for, and Tyler held my hand and let me squeeze as tight as I wanted to, and it didn't really hurt at all.
Then the doctor came in again, and told me that they are pretty sure that everything is fine, but that I need to go to my realy doctor this week to see if I need a heart monitor.
This weekend has been pretty emotionally and physically draining, but it's all good, and I'm trusting completely in God.